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This group has grown up with technology and are engaged with it for 12 hours/day on average. Millenials value relationships with others more than institutions, which is why they may not be crossing the threshold of your parish as often as other groups. They do, however, crave authenticity and respond to ideas that involve active learning. Millenials are not afraid to ask the big questions and are always seeking the truth.
(Ages 18-34 a.k.a. Millenials)
Migration, Family, Solidarity, and the Common Good
(Ages 35-54 a.k.a. Generation X)
This group has grown up with technology and are engaged with it for 12 hours/day on average. Millenials value relationships with others more than institutions, which is why they may not be crossing the threshold of your parish as often as other groups. They do, however, crave authenticity and respond to ideas that involve active learning. Millenials are not afraid to ask the big questions and are always seeking the truth.
Mary's way: The Power of Entrusting Your Child to God
Catholic Mass Explained
(Ages 55-70 a.k.a. Baby Boomers)
The Baby Boomer generation has experienced great transitions in their lives including the switch from analog to digital technology. Most have grandchildren and at least 1 living parent. They are vary curious, willing to be vulnerable, and have a great sense of empathy. They look to religion for a place to belong and tell their story. They gravitate towards contemporary worship with a focus on spirituality.
(Ages 71+ a.k.a. “The Greatest Generation” or “The Silent Generation”)
Today’s older adults are facing many transitions including retirement and reduced income. This group grew up without many technological advances we take for granted today and was raised to work hard. They put their confidence in authority and institutions, trusting that those institutions will help them. They prefer lecture-style learning and traditional worship experiences. They also value agreement and harmony over being “right.”
April’s niche group: converts to the faith
Next month’s niche group: those with disabilities
Each month we will feature resources pertaining to those having a common experience. Niche groups will include those suffering the loss of a loved one, those discerning a vocation, those battling depression, the unemployed, college-bound students, and more.
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